Coningsby and Bourne Kart Club
Rule Book
Amended 1st March 2025
Coningsby and Bourne Kart Club, aka the committee, the club as referred to within these rules.
SEC.1. Kart construction.
SEC.2. Kart Identification.
SEC.3. Kart engine eligibility for classes.
SEC.4. Driver’s safety equipment.
SEC.5. Rules prior to racing.
SEC.6. Rules during racing.
SEC.7. Sharing/ changing karts.
SEC.8. Rules & procedures associated with recording of complaints/safeguarding. Flags & Point scoring.
SECTION ONE: Kart Construction
Rule 1 1.1 Kart overall width must not exceed 1400mm (55inches).
1.2 Kart length must not exceed 1982mm (78inches).
1.3 Basic kart configuration of 2x wheels for direction, 2x wheels for drive.
1.4 DURO Grass tyres only and must not exceed 13-5-6 total tyre size. Cutting of the tread is only allowed to the front and not the rear tyres. We now accept the use of Treliborg and Kenda tyres. Currently no restrictions for road.
1.5 Fuel must be standard forecourt fuel with the only addition being oil for 2 strokes. Fuel lines must be clipped or tied at all entry exit points.
1.6 Rear bumper must be fitted to the rear of the kart and cover a minimum of 50% of each rear tyre.
1.7 Number boards should identify the kart to the correct class and the numbers presented should be clear and positioned on the front nose cone, on the rear of the kart and on the sides of the kart in such a way that the kart may be clearly identified by organisers and marshals.
1.8 The engine kill switch should be mounted in an accessible position or a cable tie secured to the plug lead to enable the lead to be snatched away to disable the engine.
1.9 Mudflaps must also be fitted to cover the rear tyres only. These must be a minimum of 229mm (9 inches) and made of rubber or a flexible, non-shattering plastic. Metal, aluminium must not be used.
1.10 The rear of the kart must have a roll bar from quality materials constructed to give optimal protection in the event of the kart rolling over. All roll bars require an additional support. This may be provided by two supports attached to the chassis at both sides or by a central support attached the chassis behind the seat. This single support must not be more than a 100mm from the top of the loop. Please be advised WDKC may have a variation on this build rule that you may want to take into consideration.
1.11 There is an expectation that this bar is in line, and at a bare minimum at the same height as the seated driver with his helmet on. Please be advised WDKC may have a variation on this build rule that you may want to take into consideration.
1.12 Karts will be subject to technical inspection and identified to the Chairman for approval on first offence with a verbal recommendation of an improvement notice for following events. Subsequent violation of this rule will result in a written warning from the Club Committee leading to a ban.
1.13 - 1.14 Chain guards must be fitted to all karts.
1.15 Silencers must be fitted to all karts to reduce noise levels to 90db and fitted within the confines of the kart with the outlet pointing in a downward position. Periodic checks will be made during racing where karts will be checked on a live track at a minimal distance of 4mts.
SECTION 2: Kart Class identification
Rule 2
• 70cc. Green plates – White numbers
• 90cc. Blue plates – White numbers
• 125cc/4s CBR jnr’s. Red plates – White numbers
• 125cc/4s CBR snr’s. Red plates – White numbers
• 125cc/2s Grass. Yellow plates – Black numbers
• 250cc/4s Grass. Green plates – White numbers
• 250cc/2s Grass. Red plates – White numbers
• 250cc/4s MX . Red plates – White numbers
• GX160/200. Yellow plate – Red numbers
• Road Classes to Motor Sport UK specifications.
SECTION 3: Kart engine eligibility for classes and recommended age groups
Rule 3 70cc - Recommended 7-9yr olds.
• 70cc Class shall consist of Honda C70’s only.
• Allowances for pattern parts to be used will be allowed but these come under checks to check legality. They must be copies of C70 parts and not performance enhancing in anyway.
• Only the use of original 3 speed gearboxes.
• The use of a standard C90 carburettor may be used. Standard also includes no porting and polishing, and the inlet must not exceed 19mm.
• 1mm max overbore allowed only, the stroke must be standard.
• They must remain otherwise standard and no performance enhancing tuning allowed.
Rule 3 90cc - Recommended 9-12yr olds.
• 90cc Class shall consist of Honda C90’s only.
• Allowances for pattern parts to be used will be allowed but these come under checks to check legality. They must be copies of C90 parts and not performance enhancing in anyway.
• Only the use of original 3 speed gearboxes.
• The use of a standard C90 carburettor only. Standard also includes no porting and polishing, and the inlet must not exceed 19mm.
• 1mm max overbore allowed only, the stroke must be standard.
• They must remain otherwise standard and no performance enhancing tuning allowed. For both 70 and 90 formulas CBKC will allow cheap copy engines, but a standard cdi and visible at all times. Cheaper replica carbs are allowed but must remain identical to Honda. We will be checking for very noticeable power difference and a kart may be stripped at any time.
Rule 3 - Honda CBR 125cc Jnr. Recommended 12-15yr olds inclusive & Senior Under 40 & Over 40 years old classes.
• Honda CBR 125cc, Sonic 125cc, engines and gear boxes only.
• Must run carburettors. No Injection.
• Injection model engines may be run if they have been retrofitted with a carburettor.
• Carburettors and ignition CDI must all remain standard.
Juniors *From the start of the 2025 Grass Season PWK flat slide 28mm carburettors can be used.*
Seniors *From the start of the 2025 Grass Season carburettor choice will be open to any 28mm model.*
• CDI units must be easily accessible for visual inspection.
• Tuning is legal to any other part.
• 1mm max over bore allowed only, the stroke must be standard.
We will be checking for very noticeable power difference and a kart may be stripped at any time.
Drivers over 40 years old are allowed to enter the Under 40 class but cannot carry their points over if they change class mid-season.
Rule 3 - 125cc 2 Stroke - minimum age 16yr old.
• Consist of any 125cc 2-stroke water cooled or air-cooled engine.
• Tuning is allowed in this class.
• 1mm max overbore allowed only, the stroke must be standard.
Rule 3 - 250cc 4 Stroke - minimum age 16yr old.
• Consist of any road bike engine kart that meets the max 25kw/33bhp rule. and regulations set out in UK Law.
• Tuning is allowed in this class.
• 1mm max over bore allowed only, the stroke must be standard.
Rule 3 - 250cc Open - minimum age 16yr old.
• Consist of any 250cc 2-stroke water cooled or air-cooled engine or 250cc 4-stroke engine over 25kw/33bhp.
• Tuning is allowed in this class.
• 1mm max over bore allowed only, the stroke must be standard.
Rule 3 - GX160/200 Grass Cadet - Junior formula.
Recommended 6-11 years old.
• Not an open class.
• No tuning in this class.
• Club recommendation that the fuel tank is positioned away from the engine.​
Rule 3 - ProKarts - Senior & Junior formulas (12-15 years old)
(added 2/4/24 - after previously promised consultations)
Honda GX160 engine to be used for both engines.
Air Intake: Original air box may remain, or aftermarket air filter may be fitted.
Standard style carb must be used - no diaphragm or slide carbs permitted.
Original or standard replacement flywheel must remain - Aluminium flywheels are not permitted.
Stepped keyways are permitted.
Original or standard replacement con rod must remain - Billet aluminium con rods are not permitted.
Pistons: Max 1mm over bore allowed, the stroke must remain standard.
Valves: Original or standard replacement valves only. Valve springs can be uprated.
Governors may be removed.
No titanium parts to be used in the engine.
Exhausts: Standard or aftermarket exhaust may be fitted but must conform to the club regulations. The exhaust must not extend beyond the rear of the kart and must be less than 90db at a minimum of 4 metres at full racing speed. The exhaust must be fitted securely.
Kill switches must work effectively.
Brakes: there must be an effective dual connection between the brake pedal and calliper if mechanical, and between the pedal and master cylinder if hydraulic.
Rule 3 - JCB Powered ProKarts (Over 16 years old)
New class under development during 2025.
Aims are to create a class which low cost, simple to build and drive, helps/favours heavier drivers.
Using 2x JCB 224cc JCB-E225P petrol engines.
Rule 3 - Other classes.
• As defined by the rules, regulations & restrictions as defined by Motor Sport UK.
• Where small numbers of a kart classes enter a race meeting, the club may amalgamate classes to provide a class eligible for trophies at that meeting or create a class eligible for league championship trophies.
• Nothing larger than 250cc will be able to compete at this club’s events without prior written application for committee approval.
Although the club has recommended age group categories, we positively encourage all drivers of any age to approach the club. Together we can make a well-formed decision based on experience heritage and confidence.
Anyone wishing to have a fellow competitors engine stripped for a rule breach:
• Written request to the committee or the attending Clerk of the course.
• Pay a non-returnable sum of £100.00 to the club.
• Should the engine be found to be in breach of club rules. The kart and driver will be removed immediately from the event, and they will be notified in writing of the ban they will occur.
• £50 will remain with the club and £50 will be returned to those making the request.
• Should the engine be found not to be in breach of club rules.
• £50 will remain with the club and £50 will be paid to those forgoing the inspection.
SECTION 4: Driver’s safety equipment.
4.1 Helmets, full face, MX style. No open-faced helmets. British Standard kite mark or C/E safety approval brand only. No helmet cams mounted on the top of the helmet.
4.2 All helmets should be fully secured before arriving at the Pre-Grid area.
4.3 Overalls, preferably fire retardant.
4.4 All overalls to be a suitable size, fully secured with no loose strapping, no exposed chest areas or sleeves rolled up. No items in the pockets.
4.5 Gloves, approved racing gloves preferred, sturdy and heavy duty that avoid flammable materials like rubber, nylon.
4.6 Goggles/visors well maintained and correctly fitted. Tear offs not permitted and roll offs may be used.
4.7 The removal of any eye protection during a race for any reason is at the personal risk to the driver and the club accepts no responsibility/ liability for any personal injury caused for a driver taking these actions.
4.8 No scarves are allowed.
4.9 Long hair is to be tied back and retained.
4.10 No loose jewellery to be visible when wearing a race suit.
4.11 Hoodies are not advised by the club and may be subject to ruling by the Clerk of the Course if he deems that he or she is taking an unnecessary risk.
4.12 Neck braces are mandatory for all junior formulas and recommended by the club to the senior formulas.
4.13 To help reduce hearing loss the club recommends the use of ear plugs/ defenders for those in close proximity of running karts.
4.14 Footwear, no steel toe capped footwear or wellington boots to be allowed. Proper karting boots or trainers are recommended. Other suitable footwear can be worn but you must have full control of the pedals and attention must be given to laces (make sure they are tucked in and not foul pedals, springs, brake callipers etc), and the top/back of the boot in relation to steering bars/track rods.
SECTION 5: Rules PRIOR to racing
5.1 All drivers are to ensure they have signed in.
5.2 All driver to present their karts with cold engines and safety equipment for inspection.
5.3 Under no circumstances will any racing, practicing, testing, or independent movement of a kart that requires a driver to be seated at the controls and being powered along by mechanical propulsion to take place until the ambulance is in attendance, drivers have attended the ‘drivers briefing’ and the Chairman has opened the circuit.
5.4 No racing, testing, driving or any form of independent movement of a kart that requires a driver to be seated at the controls and being powered along by mechanical propulsion within the paddock or surrounding area.
5.5 Should you require testing time other than that provided in the practice session prior to racing you should seek approval from the Chairman.
5.6 All drivers shall attend the drivers briefing prior to racing.
5.7 The track width will now be a minimum of 9mts and is a recommendation all drivers walk and familiarise themselves prior to the meeting being declared open to race.
5.8 Starting positions will be drawn at the start of each race where applicable. Failure to draw at the designated time will result in the driver starting from the back of the grid Unless otherwise stated at the beginning of the meeting. Committee members will advise. Any new drivers have the right to be asked to start at the back of the grid for a minimum of one meeting and display a whiteboard displaying a black cross. New inexperienced drivers or drivers with mechanical issues that may affect a clean start may also be asked and request to start at the back of the grid.
5.9 All drivers must be in the pre grid area prior to their race, ready to go.
5.10 Extra rules for attending East Kirby Airfield Winter Road Series.
• No starting of any kart engine for any reason before 10:30 AM.
• Any karts started in the paddock and pre- grid area must have a driver in full race equipment seated at the controls, but still must not drive the kart. Alternative to this any started kart must have the rear drive wheels securely suspended in the air. This does not require the driver to be wearing their full race equipment.
SECTION 6: Rules DURING racing.
6.1 Whilst competing you are expected to always conduct yourself in a professional, safe sporting manner.
6.2 All drivers must listen and obey the instruction given by the Chairman, Starter, Marshals. No race will start until the required number of marshals, lap scorer, starter and the Chairman has given final clearance for the race to start.
6.3 All Grass event meetings will be standing starts known as a ‘clutch start’. Road meetings will start with a ‘rolling start’. Instructions will be given on the day.
6.4 Should you have a mechanical during a race you should only exit the kart when it is clear and safe to do so. When it is, you should immediately remove your kart from the live track to a safe distance either on the infield or outfield. You may restart your kart providing it can be done safely and unassisted and re-join the race only when it is clear and safe to do so. If the Chairman is made aware of any assistance or dangerous actions your points will be removed for that race.
6.5 Special dispensation for the push restarting of 70cc & 90cc drivers is granted, but any dangerous acts by the assistant or releasing the driver into a potential hazardous situation witnessed and brought to the attention of the Chairman may result in the driver losing his points gained for that race.
6.6 In the event of an incident where a driver requires medical attention, and the red flags are raised. All drivers are to stop immediately. The ambulance is unable to give assistance whilst the track is still live with karts moving on it! The driver calling for medical assistance, or that has been called for by any attending marshal will be unable to compete any further in that race and may only continue to compete the balance of the meeting should the medical staff attending, make an assessment that the driver is safe to do so.
6.7 Dangerous, reckless, driving. Dangerous disintegrating karts will be blacked flagged. This is for yours and your fellow driver’s safety and non- negotiable. ​
6.8 An incident report will be compiled, and all disputes will have opportunity to discuss any issues on an individual basis with the Chairman and any un-associated member of the committee in support. Abuse, abusive language, violent threats, and violence will under no circumstance be tolerated. The Chairman will be looking for resolve to enable the meeting to continue. Solutions may have to be discussed at further committee meetings to help reduce any recurrence. Penalties may be issued. Any violence witnessed during an event will result in those involved to leave the event. Bans will be issued at the discretion of the committee after investigations are completed. This is not exclusive to drivers. Families and supporter’s alike behaviour may result in associated driver penalties.
SECTION 7: Sharing/changing karts.
7.1 1 Kart, 1 Driver, 1 Sign in. No second karts, *No engine swapping allowed during the race meeting. (*Engines can only be changed between practice and the first heat with the permission of the committee.)
7.2 In the event of a driver competing in one or more classes, all karts must be paid for and signed in.
7.3 For karts having shared drivers to compete within the championship splitting the races between them. Both drivers must have paid and sign on to race the one kart. In the event of the drivers finishing in the top three of the Championship the bot names will be engraved on the trophy The committee must be notified at the first meeting of intention.
7.4 General kart swapping between drivers is permitted but prior notice must be given to the Chairman and the lap recorders. The drivers will be gridded at rear and non-scoring. This will be an unavailable option in any race final competition races.
SECTION 8: rules & procedures associated with recording of complaints/ safeguarding.
8.1 All members are made aware there is a Club Risk Assessment, Safeguarding policy, and a Data Protection policy available to all members on request.
8.2 Any persons attending the event under the influence or seen using alcohol or recreational drugs will be prevented from continuing further and maybe subject to the police being called to site should members have concerns that the person/persons may be a further hazard to themselves or others.
8.3 All animals/livestock brought to the event by members and associated friends/ family must be kept under control, safe around people and secured at all times by a harness or lead. The club accepts no responsibility or liability for and circumstance of injury or death to the animal should this occur.
8.4 Social media comments considered inappropriate will be removed. Those responsible will be recorded in line with the club’s Safeguarding policy and dealt with by the attending committee on an individual basis. Penalties and club bans may be issued. The police will be notified if a child/minor/ vulnerable person is involved. Any mental/verbal intimidation or abuse should be reported immediately to any attending member of the committee.
8.5 Any minor complaints must be reported to any member of the attending committee to be logged with the Chairman to enable a resolve to be found. Any major complaints or observations should be done in writing or email to the committee and a reply will be returned in complete confidentiality.
Drivers, and parents/guardians of junior drivers, it is of the utmost importance that you are aware of what these mean.
Points will be awarded in the following order.
1st – 20points
2nd – 18
3rd – 16
4th – 14
5th – 12
6th – 10
7th – 8
8th – 6
9th – 4
10th – 2
11th and all other finishers to receive 1point.
Points will be awarded to all karts completing 75% (4.5laps of a 6-lap race) of the race and passing the chequered flag. Racing finishes when all karts have passed the chequered flag.
• The club now stipulates the first 4 drivers/parent- guardian representative will marshal directly after the race.
Failure to do so causing scheduling delays will result in losing all the points gained as a driver in the race.
If for any reason you are unable to meet your marshalling obligation it falls on the driver to ensure they replace with a suitable representative and inform the Chairman immediately.
• All vehicles used and parked at the event are entirely at the owner’s risk.
• All flammable, toxic liquids/substances remain the responsibility and the duty of care to keep them safe and secure of the owners
The aims of Coningsby Bourne Kart Club (CBKC) will be.
• To promote entry level motorsport
• To accommodate all age groups
• To uphold the cheap nature of this entry level motorsport
• To safeguard all young and vulnerable members of the club
• To ensure all members have a safe and enjoyable experience.
• To be inclusive to all gender types
• To be accessible to nationwide interested community Membership Membership is open to anyone who;
• Is aged 7+ with no upper limit. (Age 7 is considered a good starting age but CBKC will consider any age on experience and competence on application to be discussed with the chairman.)
• Is considered fit and healthy to control a mechanical vehicle.
• Has not previously been issued a lifetime ban.
• Can conduct themselves in a UK law abiding civilised manner.
Annual membership begins at the beginning of the Grass season.
The annual membership fee will be agreed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and will be payable by all racing members.
A day licence membership fee will also be agreed at the AGM for those only wanting to attend singular events.
A list of all members will be kept by the membership secretary.
Ceasing to be a member Members may resign verbally or in writing at any time.
Elected committee members may resign at any time but must submit it in writing.
Any offensive behaviour including racist, sexist or inflammatory remarks, will not be permitted.
Anyone behaving in a offensive way or breaking the welfare policy may be asked not to attend further events or to resign from the group if an apology is not given or the behaviour is repeated.
The individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by a full committee before a final decision is made.
Equal Opportunities
CBKC will not discriminate on the grounds of sex, race, sexual orientation, disability, gender reassignment, religious or political belief, pregnancy, maternity, marital status or age.
Committee and officers
The business of the club will be carried out by a committee elected at the AGM. The committee will meet as necessary and not less than four times a year.
The officer roles are as follows;
• Chairman, (+Vice) who shall chair both general and committee meetings.
• Secretary, who shall be responsible for the taking of minutes and the distribution of paperwork.
• Treasurer, who shall be responsible for maintaining accounts.
• Membership Secretary, who shall be responsible for keeping records of members.
• Welfare officer who shall be responsible for the safeguarding and welfare of all CBKC members and visitors to the club.
• Further members who join the committee will be expected to add value and commitment to help further enhance CBKC and will be treated as equals to those listed above.
Any committee member not attending without apology for three months will be contacted by the committee and asked if they wish to resign.
AGM meetings
AGM will be held annually.
All members will be notified at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting giving the date time and venue. Nominations for the committee may be made to the Secretary before the meeting, or at the meeting.
At the AGM
• The committee will read the previous minutes of CBKC for the previous AGM.
• The committee will present the accounts of CBKC for the year.
• The officers for the committee for the year will be elected.
Special General Meetings
The secretary will call a special general meeting at the request of the majority of the committee stating the reason for their request. The meeting will take place within 2 weeks of the request being made giving date, time, and venue
General Meetings
All committee members will be given notification at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting with a time and a venue.
• All questions that arise will be discussed openly to seek a general agreement that everyone present can agree to.
• If a consensus cannot be reached a vote will be taken. If the number of votes cast on each side is equal. The chair of the meeting will be allowed the additional casting vote.
The CBKC treasurer is divided into 3 elements. Each element the responsibility of an individual committee member to ensure transparency.
• BACS and online transactions
• Cash deposits
• Record keeping Records of income and expenditure will be maintained at the end of each event and shared with the committee at every available opportunity on the group chat or general meetings. All money raised by or on behalf of CBKC is only to be used to further the aims of CBKC only.
Amendments to CBKC Constitution
Amendments to the constitution may only be made at the AGM. Any proposed amendment must be submitted to the secretary in writing. The proposed amendment must then be circulated amongst the members of CBKC with notice of a meeting.
If a meeting by simple majority decides that it is necessary to close down the club, it may call a Special General Meeting to do so. The sole business of this meeting is to dissolve the club. If it is agreed to dissolve the group, and outstanding debts have been paid. All remaining monies will be consolidated to one bank account and frozen for an agreed period of time to allow for a recovery package to save CBCK. Once this period of time has been reached then any remaining monies will be divided back to the current registered racing members or donated to a charity as decided by CBKC racing members.